Photo: Left to right: Heidi Sinclair, Pictou County REN, Nicole LeBlanc, Healthy Pictou County, Cindy MacKinnon, DEANS, Jack Kyte, Pictou County Chamber of Commerce and Jamie Playfair Advocate Communications Group.

For immediate release
Friday February 14th, 2020

Input Needed For Pictou County’s New ‘Welcome Home’ Guide

Work is well underway for a new ‘Welcome Home’ Guide for Pictou County thanks to community partnership, and contributions from the community.

Healthy Pictou County, a physician-led effort focused on the attraction and retention of medical staff and students to the area, has partnered with the Pictou County Regional Enterprise Network, the Pictou County Chamber of Commerce and Destinations Eastern and Northumberland Shores (DEANS) to create a ‘Welcome Home’ Guide for anyone new to the area, which will be available both in print and online this summer.

“We’re really excited about this project as we have this amazing community to share, and sometimes it’s difficult for newcomers to the area to find information all in one spot,” said Nicole LeBlanc, the Project Navigator for Healthy Pictou County. “We’ve been looking at existing resources to avoid duplication, and speaking with people in the community, including those who have been here their whole lives, those who are new to the area, and everyone in between.”

Whether they’re coming from out of province, from within the province, or out of the country, this piece will be an easy-to-read information guide for a smooth transition to life in Pictou County. The successful funding for this project was announced in November by Health Minister Randy Delorey, through the Healthy Communities Fund, Communities, Culture and Heritage.

“This will be a fantastic tool for employers of all sizes to use in recruitment and once an employee joins them here,” said Sarah MacIntosh-Wiseman, CEO of the PCREN. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to have a document for the community, from the community, accessible to anyone.”

The partners on the project are also looking for the community’s input through a survey reflecting on what they love most about Pictou County and would want others to know as well. The survey can be found by visiting and finding the survey under 'Why Pictou County'.



For more information please contact:
Nicole LeBlanc
Project Navigator, Healthy Pictou County