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Photo: Snapshot of the Pictou Lodge Beachfront Resort in Pictou County, from the Nova Scotia Webcams Facebook page, taken Wednesday Decemeber 4th, at 10:32 am.

Want 24/7 access to have a look at Nova Scotia? Well with Nova Scotia webcams, you can! 

Starting in 2009 with 25 cameras throughout Nova Scotia, they've since grown to over 75+ cameras providing high-quality live streaming of spectacular Nova Scotia scenery. The options to explore are incredible, and you can check-in on your favourite ski hill (Wentworth), the iconic Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, or even see what Nova Scotia looks like from space!

You can search by region, and for us here, we love that you can check-in on one of our favourite places: Pictou Lodge Beachfront Resort or you can check-in by sight-seeing category (beaches, lighthouses, waterfronts, tides construction, or places to eat).

There are a variety of ways to follow along: