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Pictou County’s primary business organization, the Pictou County Chamber of Commerce is full of surprises, including a unique “shared work space”, called ChamberHub,  for locals who work from home or entrepreneurs just getting started in business.

Ryan Fraser, owner of Kings Head Consulting Group was one of the Hub’s initial users.

“You work alongside others from a wide variety of backgrounds and industries which can help feed future growth and collaboration opportunities", says Ryan.

“Our space is unique for Chambers of Commerce in Nova Scotia, a place to work and meet like-minded people in a relaxed New Glasgow waterfront setting,” says Chamber Executive Director, Jack Kyte. “And the amazing thing is that we are not just hosting businesses, but a growing number of community based organizations, like Creative Pictou County.

Bethany Martin works for a business in Halifax and is a daily user of the Chamber facilities.

In describing her experience at the Hub, she says: “As a working mom, living in rural Pictou County, having a distraction-free environment with fast internet and closer access to day care has made all the difference. The ChamberHub is a fantastic space, and a much needed addition to this area.”

Jack Kyte says the Chamber space also offers a separate office for private meetings, interviews and telephone calls.

“Several groups have used the shared space room for larger meetings and training,” he says. “We are open to any organizations or individuals if there is a need.”

The mission of the Chamber is to help the economy grow and promotes community-business partnerships and mutual support, such as the Newcomer Welcome Centres at the Pictou Antigonish Regional Libraries.

“It really does not matter whether you are in business or just a newcomer looking to connect with our community, we are her to help”, says Jack. “Just drop in!”

The ChamberHub is open weekdays and for Chamber of Commerce members, the facility can be accessed after hours. Non-members are asked to pay a small fee to help pay the rent.